Welcome to the Connemara English Language School in Letterfrack, Connemara, County Galway, Ireland. The Connemara English Language School is a family run school of English in the most beautiful, rural location in Galway. The Connemara English Language School is unique for a number of reasons:
It is a small, family run English language school.
We specialise in teaching children through activities.
Class sizes are small and places are limited.
Situated in a beautiful, countryside location beside Connemara National Park, Diamond mountain, sea and Letterfrack village.
Class sizes are small (from 6-12 students per class).
Students and their families live in and become familiar with a village, a community and a people.
Students and their families can experience the rich Irish culture of music, dance, poetry, art and conversation.
Children from the age of 3 are welcome to our classes.
We offer a peaceful, safe environment for all English language learners.
Exam and business students can study English in an environment that encourages learning.
We have a full range of on-line and blended learning options available to our students.
There are a wide variety of activities available to students in the local area.