Children from the age of 3 can enrol in our classes. Class groups are small. Local children participate in the classes and enjoy meeting the young English learners and joining in the class activities.
Classes for younger children focus on learning English through activities, play, drama, cooking, friendships and games.
Classes for older children introduce grammar and English learning in exciting and interesting ways so that students are enthusiastic to learn.
Extra afternoon classes are available in Letterfack. Classes are for a maximum of four students and can focus on specific areas of study such as; conversation classes, exam preparation classes for Starters, Movers, Flyers, Key and Pet.
On-line courses are available to continue the learning that has begun in Letterfrack.
Afternoon activities can be organised for students. We have a variety of activities on offer.
Parents and other adults can enrol in courses for adults to suit their level of English.
We can organise activities for the whole family group.
The accommodation is close to the Connemara English Language School and is of a high quality.
Students often meet each other and the local children who participate in their classes or activities in the afternoons and evenings.
Letterfrack is a small , friendly village with a vibrant community of traditional musicians and artists and English language students can easily become involved in village life.
Letterfrack and Connemara are popular holiday destinations with lots to do and see in the afternoons for families